Thursday, December 16, 2010

10 ways to tell if you drink too much coffee:

1. you answer the door before people knock;
2. juan valdez named his donkey after you;
3. the only kitchen appliances you own are made by Mr. Coffee;
4. you ski uphill;
5. you get a tax deduction for all the coffee you bought;
6. you get a speeding ticket even when parked;
7. you speed walk in your sleep;
8. you haven't blinked since the last lunar eclipse;
9. for vacation, you visit the Maxwell House;
10. you're so jittery that other people use your hands to blend their margaritas


  1. How about when you're peeing every 20 minutes in the morning? HA!

  2. LOL. These are hilarious. And TRUE. What is your favorite type of coffee? How many cups do you have a day?
